愚人节英文 愚人节英文介绍

   发布日期:2024-04-29 06:22:26     手机:https://m.qqhuangye.com/zhishi/327695.html     违规举报

愚人节英文 愚人节英文介绍

1、愚人节英文 :April Fools\' Day。

2、愚人节英文介绍:April Fool\'s Day is also called All Fools\'Day, Humor\'s Day and April Fool\'s Day. The Festival is on April 1 of the Gregorian calendar. It is a popular folk festival in the West since the 19th century. It has not been recognized as a statutory Festival by any country. On this day, people cheat and play tricks on each other in various ways, often at the end of the joke to expose and declare the target of the joke as fool.


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